There are a couple of ways to contact your course tutor in Big Look:
- Course assignments
- Private Community channel
We ask that on all occasions, you maintain good 'netiquette' in your online communications.
Course assignments
Every course contains an assignment typically at the end. These can be called different things e.g. 'Submit your work', 'Painting challenge' etc. Regardless of the name, all assignments will have a box where you can upload work to submit to your tutor. When you submit via an assignment, only your tutor and website administrators can see that assignment. It is not available for other students to see. Based on your submission, your tutor will respond with an assessment either in writing or through a reaction video.
Private Community Channel
Many of our courses have a dedicated group set up on our dedicated private Community channel. Here you can post comments or questions. Note, any messages you post will be visible not just to the tutor but also to other Big Look members.